Presidential debate quotes dataset v1.0 (released February 2018) Distributed together with: Chenhao Tan, Hao Peng, and Noah A. Smith. "You are no Jack Kennedy": On Media Selection of Highlights from Presidential Debates. In Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW), 2018. The paper, data, and associated materials can be found at: If you use this dataset, please cite @inproceedings{tan+peng+smith:18, author = {Chenhao Tan and Hao Peng and Noah A. Smith}, title = {``You are no Jack Kennedy'': On Media Selection of Highlights from Presidential Debates}, year = {2018}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WWW} } ================= The dataset includes: 1. debate_speech.jsonlist contains debate speeches as a jsonlist, and each line represents a debate with structure: - 'url': url of the debate html page, used as an unique identifier - 'speeches': speeches in each debate (we use turn and speech interchangably in this file): - 'speaker': speaker of the speech - 'text': speech text - 'tokenized_text': tokenized text, sentences are separated by '\n' - 'quoted': a list of integers, indicating the number of quotes for each sentence 2. meta_debates.jsonlist contains auxiliary information to each debate, i.e., date and debate information: - 'url': url of the debate html page, used as an unique identifier - 'date': date of the debate - 'name': debate name/type 3. quotes.jsonlist consists of all the quotes. Each line represents a quote: - 'quote': the quote text - 'news_name': newspaper name - 'news_headline': the first three lines in the original news article, can be used to search for the original text. We do not release the full text for copy right reasons. - 'news_date': the release data of the corresponding news article - 'debate_url': url of the debate html page, used as an unique identifier - 'debate_name': debate name as in meda_debates.jsonlist - 'debate_date': date of the debate - 'speaker': speaker of the matched turn in the debate - 'speech_index': speech index of the matched turn in the debate 4. train_pairs.jsonlist/heldout_pairs.jsonlist contain the train/test split. Each line represents a pair of sentences as a list, including - a debate url identifier - count of quotes of the highlighted sentence - speech index of the highlighted sentence - speaker of the highlighted sentence - index of the highlighted sentence within the speech - highlighted sentence - speech index of the not-highlighted sentence - speaker of the not-highlighted sentence - index of the not-highlighted sentence within the speech - not-highlighted sentence