Cornell FOMC transcripts v1.0 (released January 2016) Distributed together with: Talk up or play it down? (Un)expected correlations between (de-)emphasis and recurrence of discussion points in consequential U.S. economic policy meetings Chenhao Tan, Lillian Lee. presented in Text As Data 2016. The paper, data, and associated materials can be found at: If you use this data, please cite: @inproceedings{tan+lee:16, author = {Chenhao Tan and Lillian Lee}, title = {Talk it up or play it down? (Un)expected correlations between (de-)emphasis and recurrence of discussion points in consequential U.S. economic policy meetings}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {Text As Data} } Data format: This file is a gzipped text file. In the text file, each line is a json object that corresponds to the transcripts of meeting. The format is as follows: { "date": "speeches": [ { "speech_index": "speaker": "text": "sentences": [ { "words": "lemmas": "pos_tags": "ners": } ... ] } ... ] }, where "text" is the original text from the transcripts PDF and "sentences" are parsed resons using Stanford CoreNLP. Please email any questions to: