Machine Learning (2017 Fall)

Course staff

Insturctor: Chenhao Tan contact
Office hours: 4:30-5:30pm Thursday and by appointment (ECES 118A)

Graduate assistants:

  • Zhenguo Chen contact
    Office hours: 11am-12pm on Monday and Wednesday at ECCR 1B50B
  • Tyler Scott contact
    Office hours: 2-3pm on Tuesday and 11am-12pm on Thursday at ECCR 1B50F




Mathematical background: Please finish these questions and submit by the second week of the semester. This does not contribute to your final scores, but it helps both yourself and the instructors to know your mathematical background.

Programming: We will make extensive use of the Python programming language. Most homeworks will be in python3.

Course evaluation

  • homeworks (5 times, each 10% and the lowest score will be excluded in the final score, 40%)
  • midterm (15%)
  • final project (40%, the assignment is out starting from the first day, start early on this!)
  • participation (5%)
