Alignment Beyond Human Preferences: Use Human Goals to Guide AI towards Complementary AI
The year that has been forgotten. I will hopefully remember that year in the future.
Jenn Wortman Vaughan, Some Very Human Challenges in Responsible AI
Berkeley Dietvorst, Aligning algorithms with people's prediction preferences
Krzysztof Gajos, Human Cognitive (Dis)Engagement During AI-Assisted Decision Making
Danny Oppenheimer, Decision Science the Age of Augmented Cognition
Marc Berman, Using Theory, Sensors, and Machines to Quantify the Nature of Social Interactions
Towards Human-Centered AI: Understanding and Improving Human Decision Making through Explanations.
Three Lessons Towards Human-Centered Explanations. Keynote at the Artificial Intelligence & Human Computer Interaction workshop at ICML 2023.
The Future of AI is Human-Centered. Keynote at the Research Day at the Governors State University, 2023.
Towards Human-Centered Explanations of AI Predictions.
Tutorial on Human-Centered Evaluation of Explanations. NAACL 2022.
Towards Human-Centered Explanations of AI Predictions.
Language, Information, and Decision Making.
Why are Explanations Falling Short of their Promises? AAAI workshop on Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence. 2022.
Towards Human-Centered AI: Complementing Humans with AI. The Academic Fringe Festival on Designing at Scale with Human-AI Collaboration. 2022.
Characterizing the ``Value'' of Information, Toyota Technological Institute, 2021
Towards Human-Centered AI: Harnessing Explanations to Improve Human Decision Making
Towards Human-Centered AI: Harnessing Explanations to Improve Human Decision Making in Discovery Tasks, the second ELLIS HCML workshp at ICLR, 2021
Towards Human-Centered AI: Understanding Human Production and Consumption of Explanations
Towards Human-Centered AI: Understanding Language in Social Contexts
Towards Human-Centered AI: Harness AI to Improve Human Decision Making
Towards Human-Centered AI: Opportunities and Challenges for Natural Language Processing in Policy, Deploying Machine Learning Tools for Public Policy Impact, APPAM pre-conference workshop, 2019
The Promise of Human-centered AI for Addressing Challenges in Literacy, Facebook, 2019
Towards Human-Centered AI: Understanding Language in Social Contexts, ASAPP, 2019
The Future of Brand Engagement: Community, Trust and Digital Discourse, Reddit, 2018
Towards Understanding and Generating Language for Effective Social Interaction
It Takes Two to Tango: Understanding the Effects of Wording through Online Interactions
Wandering Individuals and Emerging Communities in a World of Communities
Winning arguments: Interaction dynamics and persuasion strategies in good-faith online discussions
Characterizing the Ecosystems of Ideas in Texts[(long version)]
Guest lecture on "Computational Pragmatics" in CSEP 517
Phrasing Matters: An Interactive Session on Message Virality Based on Twitter
Online Social Interactions: A Lens on Humans and a World for Humans
It takes two to tango: Understanding the effects of language via "natural experiments"
More than Accuracy: Interpretability
User-level Sentiment Analysis Incorporating Social Networks
Talk it up or play it down? (Un)expected correlations between (de-)emphasis and recurrence of discussion points in consequential U.S. economic policy meetings at Text as Data 2016
Winning Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-faith Online Discussions at WWW 2016
Lost in Propagation? Unfolding News Cycles from the Source at ICWSM 2016
All Who Wander: On the Prevalence and Characteristics of Multi-community Engagement at WWW 2015
The effect of wording on message propagation: Topic- and author-controlled natural experiments on Twitter at ACL 2014
On the Interplay between Social and Topical Structure at ICWSM 2013
Instant Foodie: Predicting Expert Ratings From Grassroots at CIKM 2013
To Each His Own: Personalized Content Selection based on Text Comprehensibility at WSDM 2012
User-level Sentiment Analysis Incorporating Social Networks at KDD 2011
Social Action Tracking via Noise Tolerant Time-varying Factor Graphs at KDD 2010